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slotwin303 login - Hepatitis B dan EPO, Buah Manis FRVN

2024-10-08 18:53:58

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Kabar menggembirakan dari Forum Riset Vaksin Nasional (FRVN) yang menginjak tahun ke-4 pada tahun 2014 ini dimana dua dari 12 konsorsium/ working groups dalam forum riset menunjukan kemajuan yang baik. Kedua konsorsium itu yang menggarap pengembangan vaksin hepatitis B dan produk biologi EPO atau Eritropoetin sudah bisa dikatakan sudah hampir masuk tahap industry. Pengembangan vaksin hepatitis B digarap konsorsium Bio Farma, ITB, Universitas Al-Azhar, Eijkman Isntitute, dan BPPT. Sedangkan EPO di garap konsorsium Bio Farma, LIPI, dan UGM. Novilia Sjafri Bachtiar penasehat FRVN 2104, mengemukakan vaksin hepatitis B maupun produk EPO yang beredar di Indonesia merupakan produk impor berharga mahal. Kandidat vaksin hepatitis B dan produk Bio Similar buah karya FRVN nantinya diharapkan mampu melayani kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia dengan harga terjangkau. “Kalau siap dipasarkan belum, tetapi sudah paling dekat untuk diproduksi untuk uji klinis,” ujarnya. Konsorsium hepatitis B dibentuk 4 tahun lalu. Konsorsium ini memiliki anggota yang mampu menutupi kebutuhannya satu sama lain sehingga pada perjalanan risetnaya cukup baik dan mendekati ujung riset. Sedangkan konsorsium yang lain, katanya, masih ada yang terganjal hambatan seperti fasilitas riset sehingga belum mampu mendekati ujung riset. Menurut Novilia, konsorsium hepatitis B dan EPO ini juga melakukan presentasi di fdepan konsorsium lainnya untuk mendorong motivasi para peneliti. Dia menambahkan hasil forum riset ini memang berupa pengembangan vaksin sedangkan sisa prosesnya dilaukan oleh industry. “kalau dikembangkan oleh Bio Farma tentu akan diproduksi. Nanti setelah produksinya sesuai dengan persyaratan BPOM, baru kita akan mencapai tahap uji klinis. Begitu masuk untuk bisa dip[roduksi iyu Bio Farma yang mengambil alih,” ujarnya Vaksin hepatitis B dan EPO memiliki perbedaan dimana vaksin Hepatitis B digunakan untuk melindungi tubuh dari penyakit. Sedangkan produk bio similar EPO digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit yang berkaitan dengan darah. Novilia mengemukakan riset bio similar EPO memakan waktu lebih pendek.Hasil kerja konsorsium EPO ini berjalan selama setahun sejak dibentuk konsorsiumnya pada 2013. Sama dengan pengembagan vaksin Hepatitis B, EPO ini pun harus masuk terlebih dahulu ke Bio Farma. Erman Tritama, ketua FRVN 2014, mengatakan perkembangan forum riset hingga yang ke empat ini sudah cukup baik karena semakin jelas arahnya. Oleh karena itu, FRVN tahun ini menghadirkan Konsorsium Hepatitis B dan EPO supaya konsorsium atau working group lain tetap termotivasi.” Dua kandidat konsorsium ini yang kemungkinan bisa menghasilkan produk dan bisa diterapkan di industry,” katanya. Menurut dia, kedua konsorsium ini memang belum bisa menghasilkan produk jadi, tetapi secara pengembangan sudah searah dengan keinginan industri.”Kalau tidak searah dengan keinginan industri, kami khawatir aka nada pengulangan lagi prosesnya. Sedangkan ini sudah searah dan bisa diteruskan,” ucapnya. Sumber : Bisnis Indonesia, 20 Agustus 2014

The good news from the National Vaccine Research Forum (FRVN) that stepped on the 4thyear this 2014 shows that two of the 12 consortiums / working groups in research forums show good progress. Those both consortium that are working on the development of the hepatitis B vaccine and EPO biological products or Erythropoietin can already be said to have almost entered the stage of industry. Hepatitis B vaccine development is worked by Bio Farma consortium, ITB, Al-Azhar University, Eijkman Isntitute, and BPPT. EPO is worked by Bio Farma consortium, LIPI, and UGM. Novilia Sjafri Bachtiar the advisor of FRVN 2104, expressed that the hepatitis B or  EPO products circulating in Indonesia is high-priced imported products. The vaccines candidate for hepatitis B and Bio Similar products of FRVN hopefully will be able to serve the needs of the Indonesia people at an affordable price. "Even though it is not ready to market yet, but it is almost to be produced for clinical trials," he said. The hepatitis B consortium was formed four years ago. This consortium has members which are able to cover the needs of each other so that on the way of research it is quite good and approaching the end of the research. Meanwhile, another consortium, he said, there is still hampered by barriers such as research facilities that have not been able to approach the end of the research. According to Novilia, this hepatitis B and EPO consortium also does a presentation in front of other consortium to motivate the researchers. She added that the results of this research forum are in the form of vaccines development while the rest of the process is conducted by industry. "The one that was developed by Bio Farma would be produced. Later after its production is in accordance with the requirements of BPOM, it will reach the stage of clinical trials. When it could be produced it will be taken over by Bio Farma,"he said Hepatitis B and EPO vaccine has the difference in which the Hepatitis B vaccine is used to protect the body from disease. While the EPO bio-similar products are used to treat diseases related to blood. Novilia suggested the EPO bio-similar research takes less time. The EPO consortium work result is running for a year since the consortium was formed in 2013. Similar to the development of Hepatitis B vaccine, EPO is also to be entered prior to Bio Farma. Erman Tritama, the chairman of FRVN 2014, said the development of a research forum to which this fourth one is good enough since its direction is getting clearer. Therefore, this year FRVN presents Hepatitis B and EPO brings Consortium so that the other consortium or working groups are still motivated. "Two consortium candidates is likely to produce the product and can be applied in the industry," he said. According to him, the consortium has yet to produce a finished product, but the development has been in line with the industry's eagerness. "If it is not in line with the industry eagerness, we are concerned that there will be a process repetition again. While this has been the same direction and can be passed on, "he said. Source : Bisnis Indonesia, August 20, 2014